Monthly Archives: August 2016

Theatres need improving…

#inclusivesociety? not when it comes to toilets!

Ordinary Hopes

…for able-bodied women.

The Theatre’s Trust announced a new scheme to improve women’s toilet facilities at up to 10 theatres.

Taken from the BBC News article, “The anxiety caused by long queues, with unappealing conditions often awaiting even the lucky few, meaningfully diminishes the joy of theatre for about half the audience.”

The anxiety of having to wait!

Ah, yes, at my local theatre (and at many across the country) there is huge anxiety caused through having to wait till we get home because there is no accessible toilet facility that my son can use. None. It is fair to say that having to leave the theatre to go home to use the toilet more than just “meaningfully diminishes” our joy. As does the experience of trying to hold on in order to see the whole show.

Unappealing conditions.

In the event of a disabled person being unable to hold on, what…

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